Approved by the AICTE, The Government of Tamil Nadu and Affiliated to Directorate of Technical Education.​

AICTE Approved with ‘A’ Grade

For Admissions and more information
Contact 995516 59699, 95976 12945, 97877 32882

AICTE Approved with ‘A’ Grade

For Admissions and more information
Contact 95516 59699, 95976 12945, 97877 32882

Student Grievance Redressal

Our institution is highly sensitive to the academic and non-academic grievances raised by our students. The complaint is treated confidentially and necessary steps are initiated to resolve the issue at the earliest, in the best possible way.

Fill the below Student Grievance Redressal form to document your grievance.

In the space below, state your grievance. Be as specific as possible. If this is an academic grievance (including a grade appeal), please give the faculty’s name, and department.
Please indicate the type of grievance